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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/09/2017
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting

2nd Thursdays at 7 pm

Minutes of Meeting March 9, 2017

Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office


Present:  Blaze Konefal,Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Jim Eggers, Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian.   Frank Harrison arrives 7:45.  Marianne DiTaranto arrives 8:02.

Public present:  Kevin Gagne

Call to Order at 7:08 pm. 


Letterof 2/17/17 from FEMA regarding Merrimack watershed risk mapping, involvingfield surveyors.

Letters from FST re Shirley Waters Estate billing and letter from Probate Court re'account allowed'

Noticere 3/15/17 Conservation Roundtable at Central NHRPC

Reporton DES aquatic resources grants

Minutesof the meetings of 2/16 and 2/23 wereapproved.


Land Conservation:  Paymentof $400 to Capital Appraisal for re-appraisal Map 4 Lot 2 from the budget linewas approved.   Zack has received noreply to letters sent to landowners in the Lynxfield Pond area.

Public Outreach:  Frank hasplotted public and privately owned conservation lands in preparation for publicpresentation and feedback.  Publicmeeting March 30, 2017, 7pm, Selectmen's Office.  Frank will prepare another article for theSun, including meeting announcement.  

Spaulding Town Forest: Discussion about town meeting support for the conservationeasement article.  Frank will preparegraphics but may not be at Town Meeting.  Blaze and Zack will coordinate article support.  

Budget to date for the easement:

            Survey                                      13,500based on Bartlett proposal

            Site waste assessment               0 based on Ken Stern offer to doit

            Stewardship endowment           7,500 based on 5RCT estimate

            Title search                              100 based onBoundary Line Research estimate

            Town legal                               1,000 CCCestimate

            5RCT legal                               5,000 basedon K Stern 11/19/16 estimate

            Total                                       $27,100

Carpenter Park:  Possible workday for new snack shack later in March

Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: no new business

Easement Stewardship:  no newbusiness

Non-public session at 7:54PM under RSA 91-A:3 II(d)Consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal propertywhich, if discussed in public, would likely benefit a party or parties whoseinterests are adverse to those of the general community.

A motion was made by Zach andseconded by Dawn to enter into nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3 II(d).  Jones Aye, Mann Aye, Boyajian Aye, EggersAye, Harrison Aye, Marshall Aye, Konefal Aye. Motion passes.

A motion was made at 9:05 byBob and seconded by Gordon to exit nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3II(d).  Jones Aye, Mann Aye, BoyajianAye, Eggers Aye, Harrison Aye, Marshall Aye, Konefal Aye.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Blazeand seconded by Gordon to seal the non-public meeting minutesindefinitely.  Jones Aye, Mann Aye,Boyajian Aye, Eggers Aye, Harrison Aye, Marshall Aye, Konefal Aye.  Motion passes.

Return to regular meeting

Meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm.  Next Monthly Meeting: Thursday, April 13,2017 at 7 pm, Public Invited.

Draft minutes by R. Mann
